Search for "SparC": 3 matches

Amnesia Vector source by Tran of Renaissance
10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
7,047 bytes
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The sources for the temple vector part of Amnesia - Sparce comments. Tight code, but probably only understandable by those who have written atleast a simple vector system and familiar with pmode. Certainly good code, but I question its usefulness to those who read it.

1k source by Frenzy of SparC
18 Mar 1997 (catalog date)
11,052 bytes
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source to a 1k intro (911 bytes). Easy to follow code, but it's ideal you understand it all in the first place. Odd use of fpu (uses lots of fi[blah] instructions... why not take advantage of extra precision?)

Text Mode FLI/FLC Player
06 Oct 1996 (catalog date)
99,695 bytes
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Buggy mode set, only worked in a dos box from win '95. Had information about the text mode demo compo and was rather impressive for what it did. Otherwise, tight code for what it does, sparce, useless comments.